суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

New Pictures Theresa May's local police force lets off wife beaters with a caution

Theresa May's local police force is to let off wife-beaters with a caution – despite the Prime Minister promising a crackdown on domestic violence tomorrow.

Thames Valley Police have been told they can now hand out ‘conditional cautions’ instead of taking suspects to court.

Officers in Reading will be allowed to spare suspects prosecution or even a criminal record if they agree to go on a course to ‘address their relationship and behavioural issues’.

The force, which covers Mrs May’s Maidenhead constituency, is one of five in England secretly allowed to go against the Crown Prosecution Service’s standard guidance.

Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured last week at Downing Street) promised a crackdown on wife beaters

Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured last week at Downing Street) promised a crackdown on wife beaters

Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured last week at Downing Street) promised a crackdown on wife beaters

Thames Valley Police won approval for the pilot scheme last October, along with West Midlands and Avon & Somerset. Dorset and Northamptonshire have recently been given the go-ahead from the Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill.

The controversial move threatens to overshadow the Prime Minister’s announcement tomorrow of a new Bill aimed at helping victims and catching perpetrators, as well as setting up a new Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

Last night, Harry Fletcher of the Victims’ Rights Campaign told this newspaper: ‘Cautions for offences of domestic violence are highly controversial. In my experience just one offence is unusual, the norm is a pattern of repeat behaviour.

‘A caution could lead to a fall in comprehensive police investigations and put victims at risk of further harm. This feels like cost-cutting, which will be to the detriment of predominantly female victims.’

Thames Valley Police is one of five forces in England allowed to contravene CPS guidance

Thames Valley Police is one of five forces in England allowed to contravene CPS guidance

Thames Valley Police is one of five forces in England allowed to contravene CPS guidance

Thames Valley Police said: ‘Conditional cautions will be issued to a selection of people arrested on suspicion of lower-level domestic offences.

... and young thugs go free

 Young criminals will escape punishment if they agree to change their behaviour in a radical experiment critics have branded ‘soft’ justice.

Suspects in ‘low level’ crimes such as shoplifting, vandalism and drugs possession can avoid prosecution by signing a ‘behavioural contract’. They must take responsibility for what they have done, ‘make amends’ and agree to tackle the causes of their offending.

A pilot scheme is running in North London and more are planned around the country.

But Susan Hall, of the London City Hall police committee, said: ‘This is yet further evidence the Mayor is going soft on criminals at a time when violent crime in London is rocketing.’


‘This results in those at risk of continued offending receiving a caution … with the condition they complete a 12-session programme to address their relationship and behavioural issues. If they do not complete the programme, they will face prosecution in relation to the incident.’

The centrepiece of tomorrow’s Domestic Abuse Bill will be a pledge to fulfil ‘Clare’s Law’ reforms by forcing police to reveal an individual’s violent past if their partners request it.

The proposal – named after Clare Wood, 36, who was murdered by an ex-boyfriend with a violent past – will complete plans Mrs May began as Home Secretary which were first highlighted by The Mail on Sunday.

When she unveils the Bill she will say: ‘Throughout my political career, I have worked to bring an end to domestic abuse and support survivors as they take the brave decision to leave their abuser and rebuild their lives.

‘We know, from the harrowing experiences of victims and their families that there is still more to do to stamp out this life-shattering crime and the Domestic Abuse Bill will lead the way in bringing about the changes we need to achieve this.

‘It represents a step-change in our approach.’

Officials say domestic abuse in England and Wales affected two million adults in 2016/17. 

News Photo Theresa May's local police force lets off wife beaters with a caution
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