воскресенье, 20 января 2019 г.

New Pictures Why a Sunday walk is better than an intense gym session for weight loss

THE first few months (or weeks) of the year often see the birth of thousands of new fitness fanatics hitting the gyms to frantically shed those Christmas pounds.

But research suggests that taking a brisk walk could be a better way of losing weight than an intensive gym sesh.

Going for a walk is the perfect way to lose weight, according to fitness experts
Getty - Contributor

And if spending an hour in the gym is your idea of hell, this might be something to consider.

According to a number of personal trainers, low intensity workouts – like walking – are extremely effective at shifting those unwanted love handles.

And personal trainer Megan Takacs agrees that a slower-paced, lower-impact cardio sessions does your body the world of good.

This basically means that going for a Sunday stroll after lunch could ideally be the best way to burn off calories without risking injury.

Hardcore workout sessions can cause long-term injury to the body
Getty - Contributor

Walking at a brisk, but not fast, pace for just 30 minutes can help you burn between 100 and 300 calories, or up to 600 calories an hour.

It has been claimed that during the first 30 minutes of exercise, your body is burning sugars stored as fuel.

Walking is also free, and is an activity that you can easily fit into daily life so grab those trainers and head on out.

In other health news, here’s a comprehensive guide to the keto diet and how it helps with weight loss.

Here’s how to stay positive on Blue Monday – also known as the most depressing day of the year.

And here’s a selection of healthy breakfast options to keep you fuller for longer.

News Photo Why a Sunday walk is better than an intense gym session for weight loss
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