воскресенье, 20 января 2019 г.

New Pictures Moon to turn RED tonight in rare Super Blood Wolf eclipse – When to see it as crackpot conspiracy theorists warn of end of world

A “GOOD fraction” of the world’s population is in for a dramatic spectacle tonight, as our bright Moon slowly turns dark orange, say space experts.

But while most of us are hoping for a cloudless night to enjoy the total lunar eclipse, crackpot conspiracy theorists still reckon the “Super Blood Wolf” event signals the end of the world.

Here, we explain when to watch the lunar eclipse.

The ‘Super blood wolf moon’ will light up skies tonight and Monday morning
Getty - Contributor

A total lunar eclipse will take place in the early hours of Monday morning, garnishing a reddish colour to the lunar surface.

Astronomers and skygazers are particularly interested in this year’s blood moon, as it is the last of its kind for two years.

The European Space Agency says that tonight, “a good fraction of the world’s population will be able to look up to see our bright Moon slowly turn dark orange.

“This is because a small portion of sunlight is refracted by the Earth’s atmosphere and mostly red light reaches the Moon.

“It is also why the total lunar eclipse is often called a ‘blood moon’.”

When can we watch the lunar eclipse?

The Royal Observatory Greenwich joked that people in the UK “will be able to see every part of the eclipse as long as they are willing to stay up all night!”

Weather permitting, the total lunar eclipse should be visible from the UK for a reasonable amount of time.

The observatory added:

  • The moon will start to enter the Earth’s shadow just after 2.30am GMT

  • The maximum eclipse will occur just before 5.15am

  • The entire eclipse lasts for more than five hours, ending at 7.48am

Tom Kerss, an astronomer from the Royal Observatory urged people to try and see it, “as it’s going to be a long time before you catch another one like this.

“We will have other lunar eclipses, we just won’t have anything quite as spectacular until May 2021.”

The best time to catch the maximum eclipse is around 5.12am, when the moon will be completely submerged within the Earth’s shadow.

“The moon will be red between about 4.40am and about 6.45am, so it’s actually more than an hour that you have to observe this blood moon phenomenon where the moon is totally eclipsed,” Mr Kerss said.

The observatory is hosting a Facebook Live event, where viewers can watch as events unfold.

What do the conspiracy theorists say?

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth, causing the Moon to turn a hue of dark, coppery-red – hence its nick-name.

It’s called Full Wolf Moon because of hungry wolves that once howled outside villages, says the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

To Doomsday preachers, however, the blood moon is believed to be a harbinger of doom and a sign of the start of the apocalypse.

For example, Pastor Paul Begley, who says on his website that his “gift lies in evangelising and Bible prophecy”, reckons there is a small chance the world could come to an end.

In an online sermon he warned followers: “Obviously these apocalyptic signs from the heavens are pointing to a catastrophic event that is just on the horizon.

“We don’t know when – just because you’re going to have a Super Blood Moon on January 20 and January 21 doesn’t mean on January 22 all hell’s going to break loose.

“But then again, it doesn’t mean it won’t… the urgency folks is now.”

Some see the blood moon as a fulfilment of biblical prophecy and a string of apocalyptic books have been published about the phenomena.

The European Space Agency has been tweeting about the spectacle
The Royal Observatory is also urging people to catch a glimpse of the event
Royal Observatory Greenwich
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth, causing the Moon to turn a hue of dark, coppery-red – hence its nickname
Getty - Contributor


News Photo Moon to turn RED tonight in rare Super Blood Wolf eclipse – When to see it as crackpot conspiracy theorists warn of end of world
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