четверг, 17 января 2019 г.

New photo Mother lost 100lbs and dropped eight dress sizes in a year

A mother-of-two dramatically dropped more than 100lbs (7st 2lbs) and eight dress sizes in just a year after giving birth to twins. 

Melissa Bibeau, 33, from California weighed more than 238lbs (17st), after she gave birth to twins in 2017.

But following a year of hard work she shed 40 per cent of her weight - but was left with excess skin on her stomach and breasts. 

So, she decided to undergo a 'mommy makeover', including a tummy tuck and breast transformation, in order to regain her confidence.

Melissa Bibeau, 33, from California, pictured with her husband Scott, weighed more than 238lbs, after she gave birth to twins in 2017

Melissa Bibeau, 33, from California, pictured with her husband Scott, weighed more than 238lbs, after she gave birth to twins in 2017

Melissa Bibeau, 33, from California, pictured with her husband Scott, weighed more than 238lbs, after she gave birth to twins in 2017

Melissa with Scott at the beach after she shed 98lbs and dropped eight dress sizes

Melissa with Scott at the beach after she shed 98lbs and dropped eight dress sizes

Melissa with Scott at the beach after she shed 98lbs and dropped eight dress sizes

Knowing that she wanted to start a family, Melissa decided to shed weight in order to get pregnant, but learned she was carrying twins just two weeks after she began her new regimen

Knowing that she wanted to start a family, Melissa decided to shed weight in order to get pregnant, but learned she was carrying twins just two weeks after she began her new regimen

Knowing that she wanted to start a family, Melissa decided to shed weight in order to get pregnant, but learned she was carrying twins just two weeks after she began her new regimen

When her sons were six months old, Melissa (pictured recently) started getting into shape, having initially worried after giving birth that her body would 'never look the same again'

When her sons were six months old, Melissa (pictured recently) started getting into shape, having initially worried after giving birth that her body would 'never look the same again'

When her sons were six months old, Melissa (pictured recently) started getting into shape, having initially worried after giving birth that her body would 'never look the same again'

Melissa struggled with weight gain and yo-yo diets since her teenager years. 

By the time she reached her twenties, Melissa's mental health began to decline and severe depression left her feeling hopeless. 

A binge-eating disorder lead Melissa deprive herself of food before gouging on excessive calories, leading her weight to creep up to 231lbs (16st 7lb) and her dress size to hit a size 18 (UK size 22).

But Melissa had always wanted to be a mother, and the fear of never being able to start a family with her husband, Scott, spurred her on lose weight in 2014.  

'When I was about 16, I first attempted to lose weight, but I wasn't sure how to do it' she said.

'I tried cutting out meals and eating low fat foods without understanding how weight loss works.

'I struggled with my weight most of my adult life, but in my mid-twenties I began to suffer from severe depression' she continued. 

'I felt out of control in most aspects of my life, including my weight.'

After she started to suffer from panic attacks and feelings of hopelessness, Melissa sought out the help of psychologist. 

'I learned that I had a binge-eating disorder as I'd go through periods of trying to gain control by restricting food, followed by a binge where I'd lose control and eat everything in sight to the point of feeling sick. 

Severe morning sickness during Melissa's pregnancy meant she was unable to keep up her new healthy regime

Severe morning sickness during Melissa's pregnancy meant she was unable to keep up her new healthy regime

Melissa now after losing more than 40 per cent of her body weight

Melissa now after losing more than 40 per cent of her body weight

Severe morning sickness during Melissa's pregnancy (left) meant she was unable to keep up her healthy regime so she waited until after giving birth to begin a new weight loss plan that helped her shed 40 per cent of her weight (right)

Melissa, pictured while heavily pregnant with her two sons, was worried she would struggle to conceive due to her weight, so she began focusing more on her health 

Melissa, pictured while heavily pregnant with her two sons, was worried she would struggle to conceive due to her weight, so she began focusing more on her health 

Melissa, pictured while heavily pregnant with her two sons, was worried she would struggle to conceive due to her weight, so she began focusing more on her health 

Melissa's husband Scott (pictured together with twins Jaxon and Caden) spurred her on to loose weight so she could have a baby

Melissa's husband Scott (pictured together with twins Jaxon and Caden) spurred her on to loose weight so she could have a baby

Melissa's husband Scott (pictured together with twins Jaxon and Caden) spurred her on to loose weight so she could have a baby

'I'd try to cut out meals or eat healthily, but then I'd drink excessively and eat junk that cancelled out my efforts. 

'It was disheartening to do well several days in a row, only to lose control and end up gaining more weight.'

Knowing from a young age she wanted to start a family, Melissa decided she needed to shed some pounds to get pregnant. 

'I met my husband at the age of 18 and we married four years later. After a few years of marriage, we decided we wanted to start a family.

'I had concerns that I wouldn't be able to have children as I saw others around me struggle with fertility which may have been related to obesity.

'In late 2014 I decided I needed to make a change if we were going to start a family, and I didn't want to have any issues with pregnancy due to my weight.   

She began immediately monitoring what she ate and doing more exercise, noticing how quickly she was able to shed the initial pounds.

In December 2014, just a couple weeks after she started trying, Melissa found out she was pregnant.

'It was the happiest news after a difficult period for me, and I was ready for that new chapter' she said.   

At her 10-week appointment, Melissa was told she was expecting twins.

Melissa began immediately monitoring what she ate and doing more exercise, noticing how quickly she was able to shed the initial pounds (pictured before losing weight)

Melissa began immediately monitoring what she ate and doing more exercise, noticing how quickly she was able to shed the initial pounds (pictured before losing weight)

Melissa now after embarking on a healthy exercise and food regime

Melissa now after embarking on a healthy exercise and food regime

Melissa began immediately monitoring what she ate and doing more exercise, noticing how quickly she was able to shed the initial pounds (pictured left after giving birth and right now)

Melissa now says she wants women looking to lose weight after kids 'to know it's possible to drop the weight, and it's not just celebrities and people with good genetics'

Melissa now says she wants women looking to lose weight after kids 'to know it's possible to drop the weight, and it's not just celebrities and people with good genetics'

Melissa now says she wants women looking to lose weight after kids 'to know it's possible to drop the weight, and it's not just celebrities and people with good genetics'

'Both my husband and I were shocked and elated but I was nervous to carry twins, given my weight at the time,' Melissa said.

'My belly grew rapidly, and it exploded with stretch marks seemingly overnight in my third trimester. 

'I was nervous about how my body would look after delivery, but I tried to set those emotions aside as I knew every day they grew in my body was beneficial to them'. 

'At 38 weeks my twins were delivered via C-section. At birth Jaxon weighed 6lb 1oz and Caden 7lb 7oz, both beautiful and healthy.  

A twin pregnancy coupled with extensive weight loss had drastically damaged Melissa's body and left her with saggy excess skin

A twin pregnancy coupled with extensive weight loss had drastically damaged Melissa's body and left her with saggy excess skin

A twin pregnancy coupled with extensive weight loss had drastically damaged Melissa's body and left her with saggy excess skin

After maintaining her weight for a year, Melissa, now 10st and a UK size 6, had her excess skin removed through a tummy tuck and a breast lift (pictured after the operation)

After maintaining her weight for a year, Melissa, now 10st and a UK size 6, had her excess skin removed through a tummy tuck and a breast lift (pictured after the operation)

After maintaining her weight for a year, Melissa, now 10st and a UK size 6, had her excess skin removed through a tummy tuck and a breast lift (pictured after the operation)

Severe morning sickness throughout her pregnancy stopped her hopes of maintaining her healthy eating and workout regime, but six months after delivering twin boys, Jaxon and Caden, the stay-at-home mother decided to get back into the diet plan she started two years before.   

'I'll never forget the first time I finally looked in the mirror after delivering the boys. I felt a sense of pride for having carried them but also defeat seeing my large empty hanging belly,' she said. 

'I thought that it would never look normal again.

'After delivery I hovered around 238lbs (17 stone) for months, and when the kids hit six months old, I realized the weight wasn't going to come off by itself. I decided in February 2016 to just do it.

Melissa, pictured with Scott, now works out with her husband and feels 'transformed'

Melissa, pictured with Scott, now works out with her husband and feels 'transformed'

Melissa, pictured with Scott, now works out with her husband and feels 'transformed'

Melissa said she thought she would ' never look normal again after giving birth to twins (pictured before she lost weight)

Melissa said she thought she would ' never look normal again after giving birth to twins (pictured before she lost weight)

Melissa said weight loss 'takes focus, consistency and sacrifice, but it's worth it'

Melissa said weight loss 'takes focus, consistency and sacrifice, but it's worth it'

Melissa said she thought she would ' never look normal again after giving birth to twins

'I didn't want to complain about the way my body looked anymore. I calorie counted and exercised five days a week, mainly walking with the twins in their pushchair. I was in poor shape so simply pushing them uphill was a huge challenge for me.'

Within a year, Melissa lost 98lbs (seven stone) and began weight lifting to tone up.      

She began going for walks with the twins during the daytime and swapping out fatty foods for leaner options.   

But a twin pregnancy coupled with extensive weight loss had drastically damaged Melissa's body and left her with saggy excess skin. 

Melissa often shares selfies to her Instagram page after discovering a new body confidence with her size six frame

Melissa often shares selfies to her Instagram page after discovering a new body confidence with her size six frame

Melissa often shares selfies to her Instagram page after discovering a new body confidence with her size six frame

After maintaining her weight for a year, Melissa, now 140lbs (10st) and a US size 2 (UK 6), had her excess skin removed through a tummy tuck and a breast lift.   

'By January 2017 I had lost over 98lbs (7st). I switched to eating several small meals a day as I noticed always having a little something in my stomach kept me from binging,' said Melissa.

'I stuck to my calories and maintained a balanced diet of almost equal parts protein, fat, and carbohydrates. 

'I took a more intuitive approach to what I was eating and avoided foods that kept me coming back for more, like chips.

Melissa pictured with her family on Christmas Eve after celebrating the holiday at her mother's house

Melissa pictured with her family on Christmas Eve after celebrating the holiday at her mother's house

Melissa pictured with her family on Christmas Eve after celebrating the holiday at her mother's house

'After I maintained my weight loss for a year, I had a "mommy makeover" consisting of a tummy tuck, breast lift and breast augmentation. I was finally free of all that loose saggy skin that was weighing me down emotionally.

'Some days I feel amazing and accomplished, and others I still focus on my imperfections. I'm learning to appreciate my body and the person I am today.

Melissa, who comes from a large Hispanic family 'who loves to eat' said at her largest she felt 'trapped'.    

'I felt trapped in my body, feeling like the way I looked on the outside didn't match who I was inside. Looking back, I feel sad for that person I used to be.

'I want women looking to lose weight after kids to know it's possible to drop the weight, and it's not just celebrities and people with good genetics who can achieve these results. It takes focus, consistency and sacrifice, but it's worth it.' 

News Pictures Mother lost 100lbs and dropped eight dress sizes in a year

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