суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

New Pictures Trump expected to make new shutdown offer to Democrats

President Trump outlined a plan to end the government shutdown in a Saturday afternoon address, offering three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients — including protection from deportation  —and Temporary Protective Status awardees. 

He also offered $800 million in urgent humanitarian assistance, 75 new immigration teams to reduce the court backlog of 900,000 cases, which he called an 'impossible nightmare,' in remarks from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.

In exchange, he said he wants $5.7 billion for the 'strategic deployment of physical barriers, or a wall,' that he will use to put 'steel barriers in high priority locations' along the U.S.-Mexico border.

'I want this to end. It's gotta end now,' he said as the drugs and crime that are coming over the border. 'These are not talking points. These are the heartbreaking realities that are hurting innocent, precious human beings every single day on both sides of the border.' 

President Trump outlined a plan to end the government shutdown in a Saturday afternoon address, offering three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients ¿ including protection from deportation ¿and Temporary Protective Status awardees

President Trump outlined a plan to end the government shutdown in a Saturday afternoon address, offering three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients ¿ including protection from deportation ¿and Temporary Protective Status awardees

President Trump outlined a plan to end the government shutdown in a Saturday afternoon address, offering three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients — including protection from deportation —and Temporary Protective Status awardees

The president included Democratic priorities, like protection for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children and TPS protections, after meeting last week with moderate Democrats. 

He said he was offering the compromise solution to 'break the log jam' over illegal immigration and provide a 'path forward to end a government shutdown.'

'It is time to reclaim our future from the extreme voices,' he said of liberals he's been haranguing for months over their alleged support for open borders. ''The radical left can never control our borders,' he later said.

In a slap at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, he declared: 'Walls are not immoral. In fact, they are the opposite of immoral.' 

Trump said his compromise will provide the 'best chance in a very long time at real bipartisan immigration reform' in the U.S. Congress.

As it stands, America's immigration system is a 'source of shame,' he claimed, 'all over the world,' and 'not a symbol of unity' but one of government dysfunction.

He promoted the plan as a 'common sense compromise' to conundrum that's been plaguing America for decades, even as he acknowledged t is 'not intended to solve all of our immigration challenges.'

Trump hosted a Naturalization Ceremony for new citizens originally hailing from across the globe an hour before he doubled down on his border wall to keep migrants coming from Mexico out.

Trump's new proposal is expected to extend the legal status of those holding temporary protected status, according to a White House official. 

If goes to plan, it may help 740,000 Dreamers in the U.S. - migrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children. The offer will show support for the Bridge Act and will extend Dreamer work permits and deportation reprieves for three more years if they are revoked. 

His emerging proposal was confirmed by three people familiar with his thinking, according to AP.

Vice President Mike Pence, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney have been working on the proposals, according to one of the people.

President Donald Trump is expected to extend deportation reprieves in exchange for his $5.7billion border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border

President Donald Trump is expected to extend deportation reprieves in exchange for his $5.7billion border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border

President Donald Trump is expected to extend deportation reprieves in exchange for his $5.7billion border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border

President Donald Trump pictured arriving back at the White House on Saturday before his government shutdown address where he will give Democrats his new offer 

President Donald Trump pictured arriving back at the White House on Saturday before his government shutdown address where he will give Democrats his new offer 

President Donald Trump pictured arriving back at the White House on Saturday before his government shutdown address where he will give Democrats his new offer 

Trump's support of the Bridge Act, a bipartisan legislation, would protect the young migrants who are already in the Obama-era program shielding them from deportation, one of the sources said. 

The president also planned to include protections for those with temporary protected status after fleeing countries affected by natural disasters or violence.

However, Trump is known to change his mind and could pursue another course.

The shutdown is now the longest in history in its 29th day on Saturday, and it all started because he refused to sign a spending bill without the $5.7billion wall.  

The partial government shutdown has dragged on to the fury of politicians, hundreds of thousands of federal workers who have gone without pay, and civilians denied federally funded public services. 

But the president has been staunch on his controversial wall. 

'We need the help and the backup of a wall,' the president said earlier Saturday.

The proposal was at first met with skepticism by Democrats who were not consulted about the proposal before hand.  

On Friday Democrats took matters into their own hands to break the impasse by pledging to provide hundreds of millions of more dollars for border security. 

Earlier  Saturday Trump urged Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to accept his offer adding she's 'controlled by the radical left'

Earlier  Saturday Trump urged Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to accept his offer adding she's 'controlled by the radical left'

Earlier  Saturday Trump urged Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to accept his offer adding she's 'controlled by the radical left'

The White House has declined to provide details about what the president would announce prior to his Shutdown speech. 

Trump was not expected to declare a national emergency, which he has said was an option to circumvent Congress, according to two people familiar with the planning.

'I think it'll be an important statement,' Trump told reporters Saturday before traveling to an air base in Delaware to honor four Americans killed in a suicide bomb attack in Syria this week.    

Whatever the White House proposes will be the first major overture by the president since January 8, when he gave an Oval Office address trying to make the public case for the border wall. 

Democrats have said they will not negotiate until the government reopens, raising questions about how Trump might move the ball forward.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said prior to Trump's speech that his expected proposal was 'unacceptable' and compromised of previously rejected solutions.

'Democrats were hopeful that the President was finally willing to re-open government and proceed with a much-need discussion to protect the border,' she said. 'Unfortunately, initial reports make clear that his proposal is a compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and in total, do not represent a good faith effort to restore certainty to people’s lives.' 

She noted that it doesn't include a 'permanent solution' for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and Temporary Protective Status awardees. 

The new proposal linked to DACA is a bold step for the president, who previously dismissed a deal involving young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children. He said he would prefer to see first whether the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program survived a court challenge.

On Friday, the Supreme Court took no action on the Trump administration's request to decide by early summer whether Trump's bid to end that program was legal, meaning it probably will survive at least another year.

His offer may support the Bridge Act which will help 740,000 DACA recipients - people who came to the U.S. illegally as children. Pro DACA and Dreamer supports pictured protesting outside the U.S. capital

His offer may support the Bridge Act which will help 740,000 DACA recipients - people who came to the U.S. illegally as children. Pro DACA and Dreamer supports pictured protesting outside the U.S. capital

His offer may support the Bridge Act which will help 740,000 DACA recipients - people who came to the U.S. illegally as children. Pro DACA and Dreamer supports pictured protesting outside the U.S. capital

The proposal may extend deportation reprieves for Dreamers in exchange for his controversial $5.7billion U.S.-Mexico border wall

The proposal may extend deportation reprieves for Dreamers in exchange for his controversial $5.7billion U.S.-Mexico border wall

The proposal may extend deportation reprieves for Dreamers in exchange for his controversial $5.7billion U.S.-Mexico border wall

DACA protesters pictured above protesting on January 15

DACA protesters pictured above protesting on January 15

DACA protesters pictured above protesting on January 15

But during a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump hinted at the possibility, saying he would consider working on the wall and DACA 'simultaneously.'

Lawmakers have pitched similar compromises between the wall and DACA. 

Senator Lindsey Graham previously spoke about a deal that will include $5billion in wall funding coupled the Bridge Act and a fix for nearly 400,000 immigrants in the Temporary Protective Status program whose status has been jeopardized by the administration's decision to roll back that program.

A previous attempt to reach a compromise that addressed the status of 'Dreamers' broke down a year ago as a result of escalating White House demands.

Democrats are now proposing $563 million to hire 75 more immigration judges, who currently face large backlogs processing cases, and $524 million to improve ports of entry in Calexico, California, and San Luis, Arizona, a Democratic House aide said. 

The money would be added to spending bills, largely negotiated between the House and Senate, which the House plans to vote on next week.

In addition, Democrats were working toward adding money for more border security personnel and for sensors and other technology to a separate bill financing the Department of Homeland Security, but no funds for a wall or other physical barriers, the anonymous aide said.

In a video posted on his Twitter feed late Friday, Trump said both sides should 'take the politics out of it' and 'get to work' to 'make a deal.' But he also repeated his warnings, saying: 'We have to secure our southern border. If we don't do that, we're a very, very sad and foolish lot.'

While the humanitarian crisis unfolding at the U.S.-Mexico border is undeniable, many question Trump's hard-line demand for a shockingly expensive wall.  

But critics say Trump has dramatically exaggerated the security risks and they argue that a wall would do little to solve existing problems.

News Photo Trump expected to make new shutdown offer to Democrats
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