суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

New Pictures 'Once unthinkable' general election might be only option left for Theresa May after Brexit defeat

Ministers have warned that a 'once unthinkable' general election might be the only option left for Theresa May - and it could be as soon as February 28.

Senior Tory sources last night admitted there was a growing feeling around the Cabinet table that an early poll could happen. 

Theresa May could be forced to call one to break the deadlock that has followed the defeat of her Brexit deal as she's 'running out of road,' reports the Sun.

One Cabinet source questioned about the possibility of a snap poll told the Daily Mail: ‘There is a dawning realisation it’s now not just possible but may be necessary.’ 

Theresa May could be forced to call an election to break the deadlock that has followed the defeat of her Brexit deal

Theresa May could be forced to call an election to break the deadlock that has followed the defeat of her Brexit deal

An aide to one Cabinet minister said: ‘I’m not sure what a general election solves while risking a Corbyn government’

An aide to one Cabinet minister said: ‘I’m not sure what a general election solves while risking a Corbyn government’

Tory sources have admitted a growing feeling that an early poll could happen meaning the public would chose between May's (left leaving Downing Street yesterday) Brexit deal or two more years of EU talks with Jeremy Corbyn (right at a rally in Hastings on Thursday) as leader

A source claimed that Mrs May's election manifesto would be formed from an updated Brexit plan.

This would mean the public would chose between the new plan or two more years of EU negotiations with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Another source said that although 'once unthinkable, it is now a very likely option.'

However two thirds of MPs would have to vote for an election under the Fixed Term Parliamentary Act.

Downing Street yesterday attempted to dampen speculation by insisting Mrs May had ruled out a vote before 2022.

Number 10 said the Prime Minister, pictured speaking after a vote of no confidence on Wednesday, is ruling out a snap election

Number 10 said the Prime Minister, pictured speaking after a vote of no confidence on Wednesday, is ruling out a snap election

Number 10 said the Prime Minister, pictured speaking after a vote of no confidence on Wednesday, is ruling out a snap election

However, a similar denial was issued just before she called the 2017 election. 

It was also revealed yesterday that civil servants had been ordered to draw up contingency plans in case the Prime Minister decides to go to the country. 

When asked if Mrs May is ruling out a snap election, her spokesman said: ‘Yes.’

And an Eurosceptic Tory told the Sun that election talk was just part of 'Project Fear' to try and 'frighten' MPs into backing Mrs May's Brexit deal. 

Ministers opposed to the idea have warned that calling an election could hand power to Labour – without any guarantees that it will change the parliamentary arithmetic that has led to the Brexit impasse.

An aide to one Cabinet minister said: ‘I’m not sure what a general election solves while risking a Corbyn government.’ 

The New Statesman claimed that February 28 has been pencilled in as a possible date for a ballot.

It was also claimed last night that at least nine ministers, including three in the Cabinet, have told their constituency associations to prepare for an early general election.

They are said to have asked local parties to get ready for a campaign with February 28 as a possible poll date.

It said that one minister, who holds a marginal seat in the South, has already designed and written their election address – as has another with a safe seat in the South East. 

News Photo 'Once unthinkable' general election might be only option left for Theresa May after Brexit defeat
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