суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

New Pictures New Question Time host Fiona Bruce faces sexism accusations for joking about Diane Abbott

New Question Time host Fiona Bruce has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s.

Five members of the studio audience publicly accused the presenter of making an ‘inappropriate’ joke before the programme on Thursday night.

Labour last night submitted an official complaint to the BBC about Ms Abbott’s treatment on the show, where she clashed repeatedly with Ms Bruce.

Fiona Bruce is pictured with Dianne Abbott on Question Time.  She has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s

Fiona Bruce is pictured with Dianne Abbott on Question Time.  She has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s

Fiona Bruce is pictured with Dianne Abbott on Question Time.  She has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s

Politicians accused the Corporation of bias and of ill-treating Britain’s first black female MP, saying Ms Bruce interrupted her more than other members of the panel.

On social media, witnesses claimed that Ms Bruce made the controversial remarks about Ms Abbott as she warmed up the audience two hours before filming began at Derby Roundhouse.

On Twitter, Khalil Akbar said: ‘Fiona Bruce came out alone…and did seem to single out DA with inappropriate comment about her closeness to JC both politically and (cough cough) that made most of [the audience] laugh at DA’s expense.’

He said that ‘while not directly racist’, Ms Bruce, 54, had appeared to be trying to ‘hype up the audience with derogatory comments’.

Another audience member, Alison Martin, insisted that Miss Bruce was not ‘whipping up hate’, but had used ‘some humour at her [Ms Abbott’s] expense which would have been better left unsaid’.

Jyoti Wilkinson, who works for Labour MP Chris Williamson, reported that Ms Bruce said of Ms Abbott: ‘You might think she’s only in the Shadow Cabinet because of her relationship with Jeremy Corbyn.’

Jane Butler, who said she was also present, agreed that the audience was not ‘whipped up’ against Ms Abbott, adding: ‘They made what I thought was an inappropriate joke… but that was about it.’

Another Twitter user added: ‘Fiona Bruce basically made fun of Diane Abbott in the briefing… and proceeded to do the same during the show. How is this presenter impartiality?’

On social media, witnesses claimed that Ms Bruce made the controversial remarks about Ms Abbott, above, as she warmed up the audience two hours before filming began at Derby Roundhouse

On social media, witnesses claimed that Ms Bruce made the controversial remarks about Ms Abbott, above, as she warmed up the audience two hours before filming began at Derby Roundhouse

On social media, witnesses claimed that Ms Bruce made the controversial remarks about Ms Abbott, above, as she warmed up the audience two hours before filming began at Derby Roundhouse

The row threatens to derail a broadly positive reaction to Ms Bruce’s stewardship of the BBC’s flagship political programme after taking over from David Dimbleby two weeks ago. It will also reignite claims from supporters of Mr Corbyn that the BBC is biased against Labour.

Confirming that Labour had submitted a formal protest, a spokesman for Ms Abbott: ‘We are appalled by the treatment.

‘It was clear that a hostile atmosphere was whipped up, propped up by reports of inappropriate and sexist commentary in the audience warm-up.

‘Analysis of the programme shows that the only black woman on the panel was jeered at and interrupted more times than any other panellist, including by the chair herself. The media must stop legitimising mistreatment, bias and abuse against Ms Abbott as a black woman in public life.’

Dan Carden, Labour MP for Liverpool Walton, said: ‘The toxic atmosphere against Diane in Question Time was whipped up at the BBC and perpetuated by its presenter. The BBC must own up and make amends.’

New Question Time host Fiona Bruce has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott, pictured above, only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s [File photo]

New Question Time host Fiona Bruce has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott, pictured above, only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s [File photo]

New Question Time host Fiona Bruce has been accused of suggesting that Diane Abbott, pictured above, only got her job as Shadow Home Secretary because she had been Jeremy Corbyn’s lover in the 1970s [File photo]

Neither the BBC nor Miss Bruce’s agent would last night confirm or deny her alleged remarks.

In a statement, the BBC said: ‘We are sorry to hear Diane Abbott’s concerns… and we have contacted her team to reassure them that reports circulating on social media are inaccurate and misleading.

‘Diane is a regular and important contributor to the programme. We firmly reject claims that any of the panel was treated unfairly, either before or during the recording.’

However, the BBC accepted that Ms Bruce should have corrected a claim made during the show that Labour was six points behind the Tories in the opinion polls, when surveys suggest the parties are tied.

News Photo New Question Time host Fiona Bruce faces sexism accusations for joking about Diane Abbott
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